Welcome to Genesis 1 Farms
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DOB: 10/8/2013
We are a family farm located in Weatherford, Texas. We have been raising Texas Longhorns since 2017, beginning with our starter herd of 1 cow and 5 heifers that were purchased from Bernard Lankford at Moriah Farms. In 2018 we purchased our herd sire Tuff Trash Chex. He is out of the world record bull Cowboy Tuff Chex. Tuff Trash Chex is an Arrowhead Cattle Company “Club 90” bull and was the 2nd largest total horn and composite bull alive for many years. “Tuff” is the total package. Tip to tip, total horn, twist, color, size, temperament, and progeny, he’s got it all. Variety is the spice of life and with the many and differing genetics we have at the farm, we hope to raise longhorns that you'll find irresistible!
While we love our Texas Longhorns, most importantly we love Jesus Christ. He is the reason that we have this farm and by him we have salvation. We named it Genesis 1 Farms because of our love of God’s creation. Our farm verse comes from God’s commandment to “have dominion… over the cattle" Gen. 1:26. We are raising 3 beautiful daughters to know God, to love people, and to have a good work ethic. Our girls love feeding the cows, watching and feeding their chickens, and helping tend to the family garden.
Our herd is a mixed bag of Longhorns with all sorts of horn shapes, size, and color. From brindle to blue roan, we have it all, so come pick out your wife’s new favorite cow today!
Please also visit and like our Facebook page to stay current with all our shenanigans!